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Enum EnumServerRunPhase


These are the stages the server goes through during launch

public enum EnumServerRunPhase


AssetsFinalize = 4

Final touches for loaded assets. Mods receive AssetsFinalize() call

AssetsReady = 3
Configuration = 2

Everything initialized, now loading config

Exit = 10

Shutdown complete

GameReady = 6

All configs loaded, game world loaded by server. All blocks are loaded.

Initialization = 1

Server only stuff initialized, Serversystems instantatied, now initializing ServerSystems then Mods. Serversystem receive events at this point.

[Obsolete("Use AssetsReady")] LoadAssets = 3

Mods will be compiled and started, AssetManager will init all origins and cache assets. Mods are initialized at this point (PreStart/Start method)

[Obsolete("Use GameReady")] LoadGame = 6

All configs loaded, spawn chunks loaded, game world loaded by server. All blocks are loaded.

[Obsolete("Use ModsAndConfigReady")] LoadGamePre = 5

All configs loaded, game world loaded by server. Mods receive StartClient/ServerSide and events at this point.

ModsAndConfigReady = 5
RunGame = 8

About to run first game world tick.

Shutdown = 9

Shutdown has begun

Standby = -1

Server is listening to sockets but nothing has been launched yet

Start = 0

Before anything has been initialized (you cannot receive any events at this point)

WorldReady = 7

Notifies mods that the world is ready, after all other loading steps. Following this, worldgen will start and spawn chunks loaded (no separate RunPhase in 1.19)