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Enum EnumFaceCullMode

public enum EnumFaceCullMode


Callback = 7

Calls method Block.ShouldMergeFace() to determine whether to cull the face or not

Collapse = 3

Culls all faces that are adjacent to opaque faces and the bottom, east or south faces adjacent to blocks of the same id This causes to still leave one single face inbetween instead of 2, eliminating any z-fighting.

CollapseMaterial = 5

Same as Collapse but checks for equal material

Default = 0

Culls faces if they are opaque faces adjacent to opaque faces

FlushExceptTop = 9

/// Used for blocks similar to Farmland or StonePath, which are not themselves opaque except on the base, but can cull horizontal sides if adjacent block is opaque (or the same id)

Liquid = 6

Same as CollapseMaterial but also culls faces towards opaque blocks

Merge = 2

Culls all faces that are adjacent to opaque faces and faces adjacent to blocks of the same id

MergeMaterial = 4

Same as Merge but checks for equal material

MergeSnowLayer = 8
NeverCull = 1

Never culls any faces

Stairs = 10

Culls non-opaque faces if the same block is adjacent e.g. a wide staircase made from several Stairs blocks side-by-side (caution: in future this cull mode will not work with corner stairs shapes)