Class AnimationMetaData
- Namespace
- Vintagestory.API.Common
- Assembly
- VintagestoryAPI.dll
Animation Meta Data is a json type that controls how an animation should be played.
public class AnimationMetaData
- Inheritance
"animations": [
"code": "hurt",
"animation": "hurt",
"animationSpeed": 2.2,
"weight": 10,
"blendMode": "AddAverage"
"code": "die",
"animation": "death",
"animationSpeed": 1.25,
"weight": 10,
"blendMode": "Average",
"triggeredBy": { "onControls": [ "dead" ] }
"code": "idle",
"animation": "idle",
"blendMode": "AddAverage",
"easeOutSpeed": 4,
"triggeredBy": { "defaultAnim": true }
"code": "walk",
"animation": "walk",
"weight": 5
Animation (Required)
The animations code identifier that we want to play
public string Animation
Field Value
public AnimationSound AnimationSound
Field Value
Code (Required)
Unique identifier to be able to reference this AnimationMetaData instance
public string Code
Field Value
AnimationSpeed (Optional) (Default: 1)
The speed this animation should play at.
public float AnimationSpeed
Field Value
Attributes (Optional) (Default: None)
Custom attributes that can be used for the animation.
Valid vanilla attributes are:
- damageAtFrame (float)
- soundAtFrame (float)
- authorative (bool)
public JsonObject Attributes
Field Value
BlendMode (Optional) (Default: Add)
The animation blend mode. Controls how this animation will react with other concurrent animations. Also see ElementBlendMode to control blend mode per element.
public EnumAnimationBlendMode BlendMode
Field Value
ClientSide (Optional) (Default: false)
If true, the server does not sync this animation.
public bool ClientSide
Field Value
EaseInSpeed (Optional) (Default: 10)
A multiplier applied to the weight value to "ease in" the animation. Choose a high value for looping animations or it will be glitchy
public float EaseInSpeed
Field Value
EaseOutSpeed (Optional) (Default: 10)
A multiplier applied to the weight value to "ease out" the animation. Choose a high value for looping animations or it will be glitchy
public float EaseOutSpeed
Field Value
ElementBlendMode (Optional) (Default: None)
A way of specifying BlendMode per element.
public Dictionary<string, EnumAnimationBlendMode> ElementBlendMode
Field Value
ElementWeight (Optional) (Default: None)
A way of specifying Weight for each element. Also see ElementBlendMode to control blend modes per element..
public Dictionary<string, float> ElementWeight
Field Value
HoldEyePosAfterEasein (Optional) (Default: 99)
A value that determines whether to change the first-person eye position for the camera. Higher values will keep eye position static.
public float HoldEyePosAfterEasein
Field Value
MulWithWalkSpeed (Optional) (Default: false)
Should this animation speed be multiplied by the movement speed of the entity?
public bool MulWithWalkSpeed
Field Value
SupressDefaultAnimation (Optional) (Default: false)
Should this animation stop default animations from playing?
public bool SupressDefaultAnimation
Field Value
TriggeredBy (Optional) (Default: None)
Controls when this animation should be played.
public AnimationTrigger TriggeredBy
Field Value
Weight (Optional) (Default: 1)
The weight of this animation. When using multiple animations at a time, this controls the significance of each animation. The method for determining final animation values depends on this and BlendMode.
public float Weight
Field Value
WeightCapFactor (Optional) (Default: 0)
This property can be used in cases where a animation with high weight is played alongside another animation with low element weight.
In these cases, the easeIn become unaturally fast. Setting a value of 0.8f or similar here addresses this issue.
- 0f = uncapped weight
- 0.5f = weight cannot exceed 2
- 1f = weight cannot exceed 1
public float WeightCapFactor
Field Value
public bool WithFpVariant