Namespace Vintagestory.API.Common
- AdvancedParticleProperties
Used to add a set of particle properties to a collectible.
- AnimationMetaData
Animation Meta Data is a json type that controls how an animation should be played.
- AnimationTrigger
Data about when an animation should be triggered.
- AssetLocation
Defines a complete path to an assets, including it's domain.
- BakingProperties
Baking Properties are collectible attribute used for baking items in a clay oven. You will need to add these attributes if using Bake inside SmeltingType.
- BlockDropItemStack
Represents an itemstack that is dropped when breaking a block, with a potentially random quantity.
- BlockEntityBehaviorType
Allows adding behaviors for block entities. Remember, block entities are specific instances of blocks placed within the world.
- BlockSounds
A set of sounds that are defined for a block. All fields use default or empty sounds if not set.
- CombustibleProperties
Marks an item as combustible, either by cooking, smelting or firing. This can either imply it is used as a fuel, or can be cooked into another object.
- CompositeShape
Holds shape data to create 3D representations of objects. Also allows shapes to be overlayed on top of one another recursively.
- CraftingRecipeIngredient
A crafting recipe ingredient
- CreativeTabAndStackList
Allows you to add a list of item stacks to put various into creative menu tabs.
- CrushingProperties
Defines a set of properties that allow an object to be ground in a quern.
- FoodNutritionProperties
Allows you to make collectibles edible, and adds data about their nutrition.
- GridRecipe
Represents a crafting recipe to be made on the crafting grid.
- GrindingProperties
Defines a set of properties that allow an object to be ground in a quern.
- HeldSounds
Defines a set of sounds for a collectible object.
- JsonItemStack
This is a representation of an item stack in JSON. It resembles a standard in-game item stack but can be stored before the game is loaded.
- LayeredVoxelRecipe<T>
Creates a recipe using a 3D voxel-based system. Used for recipes types such as clayforming, smithing, or stone-knapping.
- ModelTransform
Used for transformations applied to a block or item model. Uses values from ModelTransformNoDefaults but will assign defaults if not included.
- ModelTransformNoDefaults
Controls the transformations of 3D shapes. Note that defaults change depending on where this class is used.
- RecipeBase<T>
Creates a new base recipe type. Almost all recipe types extend from this.
- TransitionableProperties
This is a versatile way of allowing a collectible to change to another after a certain time in the inventory.
- VertexFlags
Special class to handle the vertex flagging in a very nicely compressed space.
Bit 0-7: Glow level
Bit 8-10: Z-Offset
Bit 11: Reflective bit
Bit 12: Lod 0 Bit
Bit 13-24: X/Y/Z Normals
Bit 25, 26, 27, 28: Wind mode
Bit 29, 30, 31: Wind data (also sometimes used for other data, e.g. reflection mode if Reflective bit is set, or additional water surface data if this is a water block)
- EnumAICreatureType
Types of creatures used for pathfinding. Humanoids prefer taking paths.
- EnumAnimationBlendMode
Defines how multiple animations should be blended together.
- EnumBlockMaterial
Materials of which a block may be made of. Currently only used for mining speed for tools and blast resistance.
- EnumFoodCategory
Types of nutrition for foods.
- EnumGetClimateMode
The type of climate values you wish to receive
- EnumHabitat
Habitats for entities. Controls some minor logic for entities.
- EnumItemClass
The type of collectible in an itemstack.
- EnumItemDamageSource
Types for how an item can damage it's durability.
- EnumLightLevelType
Used in blockAccessor.GetLightLevel() to determine what kind of light level you want
- EnumMatterState
Various states of matter to use for collectibles.
- EnumMouseButton
A list of mouse buttons.
- EnumParticleModel
Types of model for a particle.
- EnumRandomizeAxes
When picking a random seed for this block, what axes should we base it on?
- EnumShapeFormat
Types of shape that can be loaded by the game.
- EnumSmeltType
The type of smelting for the collectible. This effects how the object is smelted.
- EnumSoilNutrient
The three types of soil nutrient for farmland and crops.
- EnumTool
Types for each tool in the game. Some of these are unused.
- EnumTransitionType
Types of transition for items.