Class CombustibleProperties
- Namespace
- Vintagestory.API.Common
- Assembly
- VintagestoryAPI.dll
Marks an item as combustible, either by cooking, smelting or firing. This can either imply it is used as a fuel, or can be cooked into another object.
public class CombustibleProperties
- Inheritance
"combustiblePropsByType": {
"bushmeat-raw": {
"meltingPoint": 150,
"meltingDuration": 30,
"smeltedRatio": 1,
"smeltingType": "cook",
"smeltedStack": {
"type": "item",
"code": "bushmeat-cooked"
"requiresContainer": false
Clay Firing:
"combustiblePropsByType": {
"bowl-raw": {
"meltingPoint": 650,
"meltingDuration": 45,
"smeltedRatio": 1,
"smeltingType": "fire",
"smeltedStack": {
"type": "block",
"code": "bowl-fired"
"requiresContainer": false
Fuel Source:
"combustibleProps": {
"burnTemperature": 1300,
"burnDuration": 40
MeltingDuration (Recommended) (Default: 0)
For how many seconds the temperature has to be above the melting point until the item is smelted. Recommended if SmeltedStack is set.
public float MeltingDuration
Field Value
MeltingPoint (Recommended) (Default: 0)
How many degrees celsius it takes to smelt/transform this collectible into another. Required if SmeltedStack is set.
public int MeltingPoint
Field Value
SmeltedStack (Recommended) (Default: 0)
If set, this is the resulting itemstack once the MeltingPoint has been reached for the supplied duration.
public JsonItemStack SmeltedStack
Field Value
SmeltingType (Recommended) (Default: Smelt)
Some smelt types have specific functionality, and are also used for correct naming in the tool tip. If using Bake, you will need to include BakingProperties in your item attributes.
public EnumSmeltType SmeltingType
Field Value
BurnDuration (Optional) (Default: 0)
The duration, in real life seconds, that this collectible burns for when used as a fuel.
public float BurnDuration
Field Value
BurnTemperature (Optional) (Default: 0)
The temperature at which this collectible burns when used as a fuel.
public int BurnTemperature
Field Value
HeatResistance (Optional) (Default: 500)
How many degrees celsius it can resists before it ignites
public int HeatResistance
Field Value
MaxTemperature (Optional) (Default: 0)
If there is a melting point, the max temperature it can reach. A value of 0 implies no limit.
public int MaxTemperature
Field Value
RequiresContainer (Optional) (Default: true)
If true, a container is required to smelt this item.
public bool RequiresContainer
Field Value
SmeltedRatio (Optional) (Default: 0)
How many of this collectible are needed to smelt into SmeltedStack.
public int SmeltedRatio
Field Value
SmokeLevel (Optional) (Default: 0)
How much smoke this item produces when being used as fuel
public float SmokeLevel