Class CraftingRecipeIngredient
- Namespace
- Vintagestory.API.Common
- Assembly
- VintagestoryAPI.dll
A crafting recipe ingredient
public class CraftingRecipeIngredient
- Inheritance
- Derived
Quantity (Recommended) (Default: 1)
The quantity of the itemstack required for the recipe.
public int Quantity
Field Value
Type (Recommended) (Default: Block)
Is the itemstack an item or a block?
public EnumItemClass Type
Field Value
AllowedVariants (Optional) (Default: Allow All)
When using a wildcard in the item/block code, setting this field will limit the allowed variants
public string[] AllowedVariants
Field Value
- string[]
Attributes (Optional) (Default: None)
What attributes this itemstack must have to be a valid ingredient
public JsonObject Attributes
Field Value
IsTool (Optional) (Default: False)
Whether this crafting recipe ingredient should be regarded as a tool required to build this item. If true, the recipe will not consume the item but reduce its durability.
public bool IsTool
Field Value
RecipeAttributes (Optional) (Default: None)
Optional attribute data that you can attach any data to. Used for some specific instances in code mods.
public JsonObject RecipeAttributes
Field Value
ReturnedStack (Optional) (Default: None)
If set, the crafting recipe will give back the consumed stack to be player upon crafting. Can also be used to produce multiple outputs for a recipe.
public JsonItemStack ReturnedStack
Field Value
SkipVariants (Optional) (Default: Skip None)
When using a wildcard in the item/block code, setting this field will skip these variants
public string[] SkipVariants
Field Value
- string[]
ToolDurabilityCost (Optional) (Default: 1)
If IsTool is set, this is the durability cost when the recipe is created.
public int ToolDurabilityCost
Field Value
Code (Required)
The code of the item or block
public AssetLocation Code { get; set; }
Property Value
Name (Required)
Attaches a name to a wildcard in an ingredient. This is used to substitute the value into the output. Only required if using a wildcard.
public string Name { get; set; }