Namespace Vintagestory.API.Server
- IAsyncServerSystem
Mods can create server threads to carry out an asynchronous process, by implementing this interface and calling IServerApi.AddServerThread()
- ICoreServerAPI
The core api implemented by the server. The main interface for accessing the server. Contains all sub components and some miscellaneous methods.
- INetworkMessage
A message to be sent across the network. Is serialized/deserialized using protobuf
- IServerAPI
API for general Server features
- IServerChunk
Some extra methods available for server side chunks
- IServerConfig
The servers configuration
- IServerEventAPI
Contains methods to hook into various server processes
- IServerNetworkAPI
API Features to set up a network channel for custom server<->client data exchange. Server side.
- IServerNetworkChannel
Represent a custom network channel for sending messages between client and server
- IServerPlayer
Represents a player on the server side that joined the server at least once. May not be online at this point in time.
- IServerPlayerData
The player configuration that is world independent
- IServerWorldAccessor
The world accessor implemented by the server
- IWorldManagerAPI
Methods to modify the game world
- EnumClientState
The current connection state of a player thats currently connecting to the server
- EnumProtectionLevel
How strongly the Server should protect against hacking
- EnumServerRunPhase
These are the stages the server goes through during launch
- EnumWorldGenPass
The stages a chunk goes through when being created
- NetworkClientMessageHandler<T>
Handler for processing a message