Namespace Vintagestory.GameContent
- AlloyRecipe
This is used to define what metals can be mixed together to create another type of metal inside of a crucible.
- BarrelOutputStack
Defines an output for use in a BarrelRecipe. This object takes most of its properties from the JsonItemStack class.
- BarrelRecipe
Creates a recipe for use inside a barrel. Primarily used to craft with liquids.
- BarrelRecipeIngredient
Defines an ingredient for use in a BarrelRecipe.
- ClayFormingRecipe
Creates a recipe that can be created using clay. This class takes all of its properties from the LayeredVoxelRecipe<T> class.
- CookingRecipe
Defines a recipe to be made using a cooking pot. Creating a new recipe for a cooking pot will automatically register the new meal item, unless using CooksInto.
- CookingRecipeIngredient
An ingredient for a CookingRecipe. Note that each ingredient can have multiple valid itemstacks that satisfy the ingredient.
- CookingRecipeStack
An itemstack specific for a CookingRecipeIngredient. Most properties are extended from JsonItemStack.
- KnappingRecipe
Defines a stone/flint knapping recipe. Uses all properties from LayeredVoxelRecipe<T>, however always uses a single layer.
- MetalAlloyIngredient
Defines an ingredient for a AlloyRecipe recipe.
- SmithingRecipe
Defines a smithing recipe, to be created on an anvil. Uses a total of 6 layers, and gets its properties from LayeredVoxelRecipe<T>.